
Call for Workshops Track Submissions

The 10th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM BCB) is the flagship conference of the ACM SIGBio. ACM-BCB 2019 is the conference's tenth year anniversary, building upon the success of the first nine meetings in Niagara Falls, Chicago, Orlando, Washington DC, Newport Beach, Atlanta, Seattle, Boston, and Washington DC.

We invite submissions of workshop proposals on a broad range of topics of interest to the ACM SigBio research community. Examples of relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

Each workshop proposal can be up to 6 pages to include the following information:

The proposers are requested to implement the proposed plan only after hearing about the final acceptance notification of the proposed workshop.

Submission Procedure

Each workshop proposal can be up to 6 pages (11pt Times New Roman, single line spacing, 1” page margins on all sides, PDF format). The proposers are requested to address all the details listed above in their proposal.

Submissions are handled via EasyChair(select “Workshop Track”).

Important Dates:

Workshop proposals due: March 15, 2019
Notification of acceptance: March 22, 2019

Workshop Co-Chairs:

Wei Zhang, University of Central Florida, USA
Ning Xia, Ohio State University, USA

Important Dates
Call for Submission Deadline Notification of Acceptance
Papers May 27 June 21
Workshops March 15 March 22
Tutorials March 15 March 22
Highlights May 10 June 10
Posters June 24 July 2

