Call for Posters
The 11
th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM-BCB) is the flagship conference of the ACM SIGBio. In light of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the conference and all its associated events will be held virtually. The conference is the premier conference dedicated to interdisciplinary research linking computer science, mathematics, statistics, biology, bioinformatics, biomedical informatics, and health informatics. The past few decades have seen tremendous growth in the scale and complexity of biological and medical data including recent mainstream recognition of big data challenges. This conference and its workshops and tutorials, collectively serve to showcase leading-edge research on new technologies and techniques around gathering, processing, analyzing, and modeling of data and information for a variety of scientific, clinical, and healthcare applications, from bench to bedside.
We invite authors to submit results that fall into general areas of bioinformatics, computational biology, and health informatics, including but not limited to the following areas:
- Computational systems biology
- Microbiomics and metagenomics
- Population, evolution and comparative genomics
- Multi-omics data analysis and integration
- Computational epidemiology and infectious disease modeling
- Translational bioinformatics
- Clinical and health decision support systems
- Biomedical and clinical data analytics
- Mobile health and sensor network
- Behavioral, environmental, and public health informatics
- Clinical and health decision support systems
- Bioimage and data visualization
- Text mining of biomedical literature and electronic health records
- Tools for education in bioinformatics and biomedical health informatics
Submissions that fall under any of the following categories are highly encouraged: original research contributions, or preliminary results or proof-of-concept studies arising from work-in-progress, or results arising from undergraduate research or student-initiated research, or survey of tools and techniques in bioinformatics and biomedical health informatics.
In addition, we will be accepting late-break poster submissions as well. Accepted posters in this category will also be part of the conference program. The only difference is that the abstracts will not be included in the ACM digital library proceedings.
Submission: All interested authors are expected to submit a 1-page abstract describing their posters on Easychair using the submission link: (select the poster track). Submitted abstracts should not exceed one page in ACM template ( on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Submissions will be peer-reviewed on the basis of their originality, technical soundness, significance, presentation, and interest to the conference attendees.
Presentation and Proceedings: The authors of all accepted posters will be asked to prepare a digital poster with dimensions 36 inches x 48 inches, alongside an option of uploading an accompanying short video recording of their oral presentation in advance prior to the conference dates. The digital posters (and presentations if provided) will be made available to all registered attendees of the conference along with support for virtual interactions with the attendees. The precise details of how and where to upload the final presentation, and the poster session details will be made available on the conference website. In addition, all accepted posters will be included as an abstract in the proceedings published by ACM Digital Library. To appear in the conference proceedings, authors must adhere to the camera ready deadline.
Best Poster Award: A committee of judges will evaluate the posters at the conference based on overall design and content of each poster, presentation video (if provided) as well as any Q&A interaction with the conference attendees. Authors of the selected poster will be recognized with the Best Poster Award during the conference award ceremony.
Registration: Each accepted poster must be accompanied by at least one full author registration. A single registration can be used to cover the cost of up to two posters/papers. Each additional poster can be registered for a charge of 100 USD. For example, if you are an ACM/SIGBio member with 5 posters, then the associated cost of registration will be $550 in total ($250 for the first two posters + $300 for the remaining three posters).
Important dates:
Proceedings abstract submission deadline: |
July 22, 2020 |
Late-break poster abstracts submission open: |
July 23, 2020 |
Posters Acceptance notification: |
July 29, 2020 |
Camera ready proceedings abstract submission: |
August 5, 2020 |
Late-break poster abstracts submission deadline: |
August 15, 2020 |
Late-break poster acceptance notification: |
August 17, 2020 |
Deadline for uploading electronic poster and video recording: |
August 21, 2020 |
Poster Chairs:
Chirag Jain, National Institutes of Health
Jaroslaw Zola, University at Buffalo